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What is a Research University?

This great video provides pertinent and helpful info on research universities and the work they do. 

Research university, definition of.

Establishment where a seat of higher learning is housed, including administrative and living quarters as well as facilities for research and teaching.

DIY U is primarily an online research university. Therefore, the establishment would be the internet. I conduct my research from home,  so my home would be my research facility. My teaching facility is my home and the internet is also my teaching facility.

Research universities are the engines of discovery, pushing the boundaries of human knowledge across every field. They not only create groundbreaking advancements in medicine, technology, and social sciences, but also train the next generation of researchers and innovators. While formal university settings offer a structured approach, DIY U complements this by fostering a love of exploration and independent learning. Here, you can explore research topics at your own pace, feeding directly into the spirit of curiosity that fuels all major research universities.


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