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Showing posts from May, 2019

DIY-U and the DIY Maker Movement.

Two of the elements which make up DIY-U are: the DIY maker movement and DIY education. There are other elements in DIY-U. However, for now I will be focusing on the DIY maker movement. We are living in an age where new ideas can spread like wildfire, thanks to the web and technology in general. Social media is included as one of the platforms to help to share these ideas through. Projects can be showcased through Facebook for example. Groups dedicated to these projects can also be created. These actions can lead to new improvements being made to the projects. Youtube is another platform which should be explored. Youtube videos and Facebook posts can go viral with just a few clicks of the keyboard. Here is a link to a post from my Ato Consulting Dot com site. It covers the DIY maker movement topic. The post includes a pdf on the diy maker movement.