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My independent study in Math/s.


When I was growing up, I had a phobia of sorts for maths. In the UK, we call it maths. My maths skills started to improve when I had started junior college. I have decided to start my own independent study of maths. I have ongoing health issues. However, I will do what I am capable of doing. As self directed learning plays a huge part in DIY-U, I will find the necessary resources and I will teach myself. I will evaluate my learning. I am not interested in gaining a certificate or certificates for my maths studies. There are many self taught mathematicians in history. I am not saying I want to become a mathematician. However, I do want to improve my skills in this subject. I will conduct my studies at my own pace and I will most likely continue with the practice until I decide to end the self initiated learning project of my own creation.

Here is one of the solutions I have created as a result of my explorations in math/s.

The link above provides info on my DIY Budgeting system. I have cleared my debts and I have started saving money as result of my DIY budgeting system. 

Here is some info on Mary Everest Boole. Mary was a self taught mathematician.

Look for the segment in the above link, where it talks about the unique and creative methods Mary had used to teach her students maths with. This is an example of the DIY teaching and learning style.


  1. Maths is a logical subject. We can not understand Math with reading or writing. To understand this subject student needs to clear their Maths basics first. And Math is started from 1st class. These days Maths Tutor is the need of every student. Because Math is the only subject that is used everywhere. Recently, I also hired a Math Tutor for my child. I appreciate all your points. Keep Sharing!


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