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Students should not be looked upon as raw materials.

Definitions of the term 'Raw Materials'.

The basic material from which a product is made.

Material before being processed or manufactured into a final form.

Source: ( for the definition directly above. I am not sure where the first definition originates from. )

Did you like the photo of the plastic bottles in an assembly line? I do not want to have assembly line students, teachers and researchers at DIY-U. At DIY-U we think way outside the box.

When you read the definition for raw materials, given by, it could be quite accurate in some respects. The students start out a fresh level and once they have completed their course they are at a higher level - sorry for stating the obvious. It's a bit cold to think of students as raw materials. That's just my opinion anyhow. In future posts I will write about the factory model of schools and schooling in general.


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